The construction industry can be a saturated market. If you’re thinking of hiring a contractor for your building needs, you’ll have several companies to choose from. Take your time and carefully pick the one you want to work with.
You’ll want to know how to hire a construction company before outsourcing your building needs.
Important Construction Questions to Consider
Here are a few construction questions you should ask to make sure you’re choosing the right company:
Are Their Price Projections Estimated or Fixed?
The first important construction question to ask a potential contractor is if their rates are fixed or estimated. An experienced general contractor should be able to leverage their relationships with suppliers to evaluate how much a project will cost. The last thing you want is to be blindsided by additional charges. Ask your point of contact for a fixed-cost list or an invoice.
What is Their Timeline for This Project?
Quality general contractors should have a timeline prepared from the design process to the completion of the project. Be wary of companies who promise quick completion, as that could indicate they’ll cut corners to meet their deadline. If you have your own deadline requirements, communicate those needs. If a firm sounds like it’ll have an issue completing the project within your timeframe, it’s best to look elsewhere.
What Is Their Safety Record?
Credible general contractors keep detailed records of any safety concerns on their construction site. Your point of contact should be more than willing to supply you with safety information from past projects to answer your safety record construction questions. This usually serves as a testament to their ability to keep a project moving despite obstacles.
If your general contractor gets defensive about their safety track record, they’re usually trying to hide something. Working with a company that takes a lackluster approach to their safety will indubitably cut corners during other stages of the construction process.
Do They Have Liability Insurance?
Contractor’s professional liability insurance, or CPL insurance, protects general contractors from accidents that occur on the construction site. As a part of your construction question list, be sure to ask if the builder has liability insurance. If an accident occurs and your contractors are not insured, you could be stuck with legal damages.
Are Their Suppliers Local?
General contractors who use local suppliers have more control in delivering the project on time. It can be a red flag if your builders outsource supplies from other states, as there is no way to predict what kind of delays could occur during transit.
What Type of Background Do They Have?
A general contractor with an established track record will be more than happy to provide you with examples of previous projects. During the interview process, ask your point of contact for previous case studies and projects. Case studies often say more about a company than any sales pitch could.
Additional Factors To Consider
Keep a General Contractor Checklist
If you feel you’ve found the right contractor, there are still a few construction questions you should cover before starting the process.
You want to set aside some pre-construction questions to ask. In addition to case studies, the following questions will assist you in determining whether the said company is a good fit:
- Do you subcontract work?
- What hours will you and the team operate?
- Will the same team members be at the project site each day?
How to Interview a General Contractor
Be sure to articulate your project expectations. Before construction starts, you want to be sure you’re on the same page.
This includes confirming the time frame, standard features, price projections, building process, and any other additional concerns you may have.
Pay attention to how your point of contact answers your questions. If you feel as if they’re not fully grasping your expectations, it may be best to walk away.
New construction is a significant commitment, and you want to know for certain you’ll be happy with the result.
A Trusted Partner Willing to Answer All of Your Construction Questions
Calahan Construction has been trusted for providing construction services in Colorado for over 85 years. We provide free pre-construction consulting services, estimates, and budgeting consultations to understand your needs fully. We’re ready to help you navigate the construction process and answer any questions you may have.